Tuesday, 17 July 2018

My first book in the series is now finally available #permafree!

Afternoon everyone,

I have some exciting news for you. My first book 'Captive Love' is now finally available #permafree on Kobo, ScribD, Apple and some other platforms (more are still being published including Barns and Noble). I hope this will help my books become a bit more widely known.
I also hope that you will be able to help me a little. Please, if you like my books, take a minute to review them on Amazon and/or GoodReads. That way other people will also know what my books are like.
Book 5 is nearing completion, the first edit is finished and I am now looking for some reviewers and beta readers to help me finalise the book fully. You can contact me on my blog or on twitter or even on GoodReads. Your help would be very much appreciated. Once you have contacted me, I will be able to send you an advanced copy to read and comment on.
Check out my author's page at Draft2Digital as well, it contains all the direct links to your favourite store (be it Amazon or one of the other providers you use for my first book and Amazon near you for the further books in the series)
You can find my author's page HERE.


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