Tuesday 15 January 2019

If only...

Most of us will find times where we think "If only.."
Sometimes this will be because we wished we had done things differently. Sometimes we wish people who have passed on were still here to discuss things with.
At the moment I'm in a situation where I think "If only there were more hours in the day, or more left-over time"
The trouble is, at the moment I have a full-time job to content with. This seriously impacts on the time I can spend on my writing and most days since the start of December I have had little or no time at all to write. I'm talking serious withdrawal symptoms here.
So, what can I do about it? Lose the job? An option I guess, but I don't think my boss and husband would thank me for it (they are one and the same).
No, I think there is only one option. I need to reorganise my life in such a way to leave time for writing as well.
How? I'm not quite sure yet. Perhaps all that is needed is to get up a little earlier. I have been lying in a little lately. Only getting up at six am to get my husband's lunch ready before he leaves for work and to do some of the necessary housework. Occasionally it leaves me some time to sort out marketing (read tweeting and re-tweeting etc) but there is no time left to write.
Today I got up at half past four. After the ironing was done I finally had a chance to take the Christmas tree and decorations down. Yes, I know, it's a disgrace it was still up. When the family is in the living room it's not so easy to get that sorted.
With that job out of the way the only time left was to check any messages/tweets/emails and write a quick blog post. I will need to leave for work in fifteen minutes again. Another busy day will likely lay ahead and we'll see what it will bring. Our youngest son also needs to be picked up from school and this means I certainly won't get home until half past five.
Then it will be time to prepare tea, eat, do the housework and put the bins out. If I'm lucky, I might be able to check emails before it's bedtime again.
Tomorrow I'll get up at 4.30 am again. Hopefully, now that the big housework jobs are out of the way, I'll have a little time to write tomorrow. We can only hope.

And what will I be writing? Tomorrow it'll be time to work on editing my sixth book. Remember to get in touch if you would like to become a beta reader. I would love to have you on board.



  1. Joni, you can add me as a beta reader. I'm engrossed in a book at the moment, but I'll finish by the weekend. message me letting me know your take on a beta reader as people see them performing different tasks. If you're requiring beta readers look for all the following, you'll need a few.
    Spelling mistakes
    Missing speech marks
    Missing words
    Extra spaces or blank pages where there shouldn’t be any
    Continuity (making sure we don't have them in one place and talking from somewhere else, etc.
    Plot holes
    Words or sentences that make them pull up and read it again. The aim is to make it flow.

  2. Ah, we can all get caught up in...if only questions, but for me, today is the only day that matters and it deserves 100% of my attention.

  3. It's always a struggle to get pattern and balance in your life - I can certainly identify with the problem.
