Saturday 10 November 2018

60000 words behind me on day 10 of #nanowrimo2018

Another day of writing, another update. Today I have added 3473 words, the total over ten days now at 60052 words. Gradually edging towards the end of the book after another two chapters have been completed. Yes, I'm quite pleased with my progress so far. Not bad for a first-timer at #NaNoWriMo.

My next job today will be to do a little bit of editing, perhaps another chapter of this book and then continue to write some further on 'Growing Love'. For the last few chapters I was in need of some research. The information is still somewhere lurking in that head of mine, but I can do with a slight reminder. Suffice it to say that details about a holiday location need to be double-checked with the knowledge hidden in my brain.

There won't be a lot of time left to do this today, I have promised to cook Chinese for the family today. That always takes about an hour and a half to prepare.

But, for now, here is the update on the progress and another excerpt of the work in progress can be found underneath. Yes, 'Diary of a Female GP' is progressing nicely.

I love Baby Clinic, or well baby clinic as it is officially called. During Baby Clinic we see babies for their eight-week check or their heart checks at the age of one. The little cuddles and playing with the little ones always make me feel happier and also make me feel broody. Yes, I know, I already have four children.
The first one on the screen is eight-week-old Joshua, who has come with his parents. His beaming mum and dad walk in the room with Joshua in his carseat.
"Congratulations. How is everything going? Do you enjoy being parents?"
Their smiles become even wider and their eyes shine as Joshua's parents confirm they love being parents.
So far, no problems have been found. Joshua feeds well, he is breast-fed, and he smiles and follows movements.
Now it is time for Joshua's check. Mum carries him to the couch, closely followed by dad, and undresses Joshua, leaving his nappy on at my request. In the meantime I wash my hands and grab a stethoscope and ophthalmoscope (a tool to look into eyes with). For the checks, I start at the top and work my way down the body. His soft spot feels normal, his eyes are open and he follows where mum goes. When I look in Joshua's eyes, the light reflex is normal. Joshua's mouth seems normal, his neck and shoulders too. He has two arms with hands and the expected number of fingers. The heart sounds normal and the lungs too. Joshua's tummy shows no abnormalities and there is no evidence of a hernia. Both hips are stable. When I check his private area, all is in order there as well and his testicles have descended ( a real feat considering my hands are usually freezing cold). Joshua's legs, feet and toes are fine and all reflexes are normal. Now I turn Joshua over and a check of his back is also unremarkable. He does have a 'storkbite' though, a little birthmark at the nape of his neck. 
The last thing I check is mostly for the benefit of the parents. When babies are this young, they often still have an old 'walking-reflex'. I lift Joshua up and let the top of one of his feet touch the couch. Yes, as expected Joshua lifts the foot and places it on the couch, the next foot follows and he takes a few steps. His parents absolutely beam at their brilliant son.
Now that Joshua has passed his first check with us with flying colours, mum dresses him again while I enter all the details of the examination on the records.


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