Sunday, 2 September 2018

Phew, am I tired! Book launch is taking it out of me!

I never realised how tiring it is to launch a new book. Although I already published four books before 'Holiday Love', it never seemed to take such an awful lot of time and effort to do this. I guess I just never did it right.
I'm looking forward to having people start reading the book and leaving honest (and hopefully favourable) reviews.
If you wonder how you can lay your hands on a copy of the book, you can here:
It is always free on Kindle Unlimited.
Please, if you read the book, leave a review. We #IndieAuthors rely on reviews to be noticed by others. Thank you!
To celebrate the launch of 'Holiday Love', the second book in the series 'Freed Love' is available free for Kindle from 1-5 September. 'Captive Love', the first in the 'Friends, family and love' series is #Permafree
You can find 'Freed Love' here:
and you can find 'Captive Love' here:
Enjoy reading and please leave a comment.
'Captive Love' received a five-star review recently: “Loved the story and the pace. Fast moving and Sam, hmm. Just a bad boy.”, so definitely worth checking.


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